Remain Conscious Of The Energy You Spread To The World

The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
The realist adjusts the sails
-William Arthur Ward, author

It goes without saying that the world we live in – complete with hurricanes, shootings, war, politics – can be daunting, confusing, and heartbreaking at times.  I too feel this when I read the news headlines and I question “what is going on?”  But after a bit of time stewing in the lower vibrating energy of asking why and how could they, I know it’s time to step up to the higher perspective. I take a moment to find my center, breathe into the present moment where my mind chatter calms down, and realize that the best I can do to help is to hold my own energy high in the face of the pain – and growth – going on in our world.

While I don’t ignore what’s going on in the news, I do make a conscious choice not to become addicted to the drama.  It’s easy to be sucked into the news cycle, where the effects can be felt both emotionally and physically in the body.  So while I choose not to trivialize events going on, I also choose not to let them darken my personal energy space.  This does a disservice to those who are suffering.  Instead, by consciously holding ourselves in a space of light, that is the wavelength we broadcast to the world.  And this is how the world grows and changes even in the midst of pain.

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