Let Go – You Are Right Where You Should Be

“We are only subject to a negative thought or belief if we consciously say that it applies to us. We are free to choose not to buy into a negative belief system.”
-David Hawkins, Letting Go

Try sitting a moment in silence and saying to yourself:  “Let Go.  Surrender to life’s natural, loving, flow.”

When sitting with that statement, notice (without judgement) what feelings arise in your body.  Relief?  Love?  Fear?  Guilt?

Letting go isn’t a passivity to life.  It’s not becoming a door mat.
Letting go is a shift in perception.  It’s living in state of giving and receiving what is yours – in the moment.  It’s living as the balanced observer of life rather than the victim.  It’s not about perfection either.  A part of us is still human, afterall!  Yes, I do get annoyed with my kids and my husband some days.  I’m just aware of when I’m doing it now.  It doesn’t overtake me.

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Your Soul’s Plan

“To see only light is to see only Divinity in each person who walks on Earth.  It is then we remember who we really are.
-Robert Schwartz, Your Soul’s Plan

Can you think of a time when you questioned why something happened?  Why a person you know, or you yourself, had to endure suffering?  Or pain?  Or loss?

In turn, have you allowed your mind to wonder, beyond the emotions of fear and sadness, and beyond the human brain questioning why?  To instead feel and know at a deeper level that there is meaning and purpose behind every hardship, every life challenge, and even what is considered to be an “accident” that occurs?  I know I have.  And it’s for that reason I believe this book was brought to my attention: Your Soul’s Plan, by Robert Schwartz.

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The Power of Eight

Lynne McTaggart is a well known author specializing in books on energy, quantum physics, and the power of intention – with an emphasis on scientific research.  Her book The Field opened my eyes to the world of energy, and it was a bit of a life changing read for me years ago.  (more on that another day).  For today I’m focusing on her latest book, The Power Of Eight.  For a great overview and explanation from the author herself, I recommend you listen to this Podcast, where she is interviewed by Roberta Grimes: (dated 11/5/2017)

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“The Spontaneous Healing of Belief”

Imagination is everything.  It is a preview of life’s coming attractions.

Today I’m going to recommend a thought provoking book to start off the New Year: The Spontaneous Healing of Belief by Gregg Braden.  

I’m going to use this post to lay out some key thoughts, or Belief Codes, that Braden details in his book.  These codes make you think about how we are interacting – and creating – our reality. In a time where fear often runs rampant, it’s so important to remember to keep our emotions and vision of what we want for our lives in the forefront.

Continue reading ““The Spontaneous Healing of Belief””


Calling On Divine Order In Your Life

I’m often drawn to books and teachings centered on Divine Timing and Guidance.  I believe in the value of looking at life from the bigger picture.   Later in this post I’m going to recommend a great book about opening up to Divine Guidance and welcoming Divine Order into your life.

Have you noticed how much our society, culture, and media perpetuate the believe that life is a struggle?  That only through hard (not fun) work or pain and stress can we “get what we want.”   Yet we are not here to live a life of struggle!  Or mere survival.  It wasn’t until I connected deeper with my Divine self, and the inner guidance always available, that I was able to shut out these views and welcome in the flow of the Universe and it’s abundance.

How does Divine Guidance come through in our lives?

One way is through our intuition – often as a gut feeling, vision, or inner knowing.  I often receive my best guidance through a flash of a quick vision, as well as through my dreams.  Yet it takes an awareness and openness – as well as trust in what you’re receiving.

Here’s an example of how I shut out guidance in my past:

After graduating college I toyed with the idea of moving to LA.  I knew I wanted to work in television production and that seemed the logical step to take.  Yet my own inner guidance and knowing was telling me that wasn’t the spot I was suppose to be.  But I pushed on.  I ignored that feeling in my heart and gut telling me that the opposite coast was my calling. I had a hard time even visualizing a life in LA, yet I went as far as to secure three separate living arrangements – on three separate occasions – all of which fell through at the last minute.  It took the third blow for me to finally wake up and admit: LA was not meant to be.  The Universe was quite literally blocking me.  And it was nudging me to go another direction.  I’ve found time and time again that when something feels like a struggle, and you feel like you’re swimming upstream, then you’re out of the flow.   

So I cancelled my LA move.  Feeling defeated, I settled into a waitressing job for a month while I let things flow.  I waited – which is often the hardest part – for Divine Order and Divine Timing to guide my next move.  What I noticed during that time is I didn’t have a feeling of indecisiveness, but rather a feeling of anticipation.  That’s how I knew I was in the right place for the moment.  Not by listening to what others told me, not by giving into fear or worry, but by going with my inner knowing.  And what do you know – just a few short weeks later I got a call from my college friend telling me she’d accepted a job offer in New York City, and did I want to move there and be her roommate?

I always knew I wanted to live in Manhattan, but a part of me was too scared to admit it to myself or others. I don’t know why it seemed like a bigger move than LA, but at the time it just did.  I accepted my friend’s generous offer and a few short weeks later I moved to New York  – with no job.  That’s a whole other story, but I know that I was meant to move to New York.  I learned valuable lessons over the two years I lived there and although it wasn’t a picnic the whole time, I knew the Divine, and my Divine Self were guiding me there all along.  I simply had to wait.  And listen.

This is why I’m so grateful when someone recommends a book that feeds my love of Divine Guidance.  I was lent a copy of Outrageous Openness: Letting the Divine Take the Lead by Tosha Silver – and I loved every page.  Books often come into our lives when we need them, so if you’ve found yourself reading this post, maybe your Divine Self is nudging you to read it?

While Silver doesn’t write of anything extremely unheard of, she has a wonderful way of weaving stories together with everyday practicality and ways to apply Divine Guidance in your day to day life.  It’s also a perfect book for the busyness of life.  Each chapter is only 1-2 pages, and is it’s own little anecdote or lesson. Yet it’s not preachy or specific to any one religion; it’s enlightening and often funny.  For me it was a nice quick read to end the day and set an intention for the next day.  I was sad to have it end, but have been going back and rereading chapters at random.

As the title implies, Silver writes, “rather than blindly chasing outcomes, (she) taught me to inwardly ask, ‘Let things happen as they are meant to, in the highest way for all involved’.  If you ask the Universe to bring what’s right, you can’t go wrong”.

I identified with her references of worrying too much and trying too hard in her childhood and early adulthood.  Been there, done that.  I also identified with her wisdom about being careful not to let other people’s fears and issues affect your grand vision and flow with the Divine.  Some people take comfort in believing life is a struggle and that’s okay.  It’s not anyone’s job to change another person.  But I have learned I can change my own outlook.

In reference to worrying, Silver quotes Suki James: “Worry is like throwing kerosene on a fire”

When we seek Divine Guidance – rather than worrying and over planning – it’s then our turn to let things flow.  Watch and wait for the signs and help to show up in life.  Often times the answers are within you and sparks of insight will come to you during a quiet lull in thinking during your day or in a dream.  Or a friend or stranger will be the Divine helper sent to you.  Be open to it all.  And never let fear – your own or someone else projecting theirs onto you – cloud your way.

Silver gives several examples of how to do this, but mostly it comes down to simply asking and being open to receive.  No need to overcomplicate it.  Something simple such as her statement: “my perfect path is already selected and will arrive at the right time.  I’ll be shown the steps to receive it.”

This is not an excuse to sit and wait for your doorbell to ring with answers – action must be taken when the moment feels right. But when it’s guided action, there’s no need to second guess yourself. The stress and struggle is gone and replaced with a feeling of excitement or sometimes simply contentment.  “Work” doesn’t have to feel like work.  An obstacle in life can be overcome without having to pull all your hair out.

And – fun things can happen when you open up.

What if sometimes the answer actually was delivered to your doorstep?

A few weeks ago I decided we were paying too much for our bug treatment.  I wanted something more organic and less expensive, so I posted a note on the NextDoor App – asking neighbors if they had suggestions.  People generously poured in there opinions and recommendations.  I immediately felt overwhelmed and decided to just let it sit for a bit.  I called in Divine Order – stating, “I know the right answer will arrive and I am open to receiving it.”  About a week later, I came home to my husband telling me that someone had knocked on our door from a local bug company; they had a less chemically-based treatment, and were much cheaper than our current company.  Should we switch, he asked? I hadn’t told my husband I was looking into this – so he had no idea why I thought it was so funny that the answer to my Divine question had literally knocked on our door.  I’ve since switched companies and of course thanked the Divine for the help!

This is a small example, but there is nothing too small to call on Divine Order for.  Not every act of guidance in life needs to be huge or dramatic.  I am constantly asking for help, insight, and Higher Order in my life throughout the day.  It’s an effortless conversation and dance I do with my inner self, my guides, and the Divine.  I’m never alone.  I know I am guided because I’m open to it and I trust the answers I receive.

Sometimes I have to wait for my answer or outcome to arrive…and this can be hard.  I think I’m constantly being taught the lesson of patience.  I often need to remind myself that some things need to manifest in Diving Timing. Things unfold when it’s best for our higher self and not always in the here and now as we’d like it.

I remind myself of the Jewish-Zen quote in Silver’s book:
Be here now.  Be somewhere else later.  Is that so hard?

So for now, I hope you’ll open yourself up to more Divine Guidance and ask for Divine Order in areas of your life you feel could use it.  Silver states, “moving through the world open to constant help gets easier and easier with practice.  Yes, some days it’s much more subtle, some more dramatic.  But why not try?  You could practice this for a full twenty-one days to let your brain waves reset to the new pattern of thinking.  And anyway, if you’re not happy with the results you can always have your cold dog-eat-dog lonely galaxy back, no questions asked.”

Thanks for visiting my blog – I hope you seek out Divine Guidance in your own way!

In gratitude,


“The Light Between Us”: Communicating with Spirit

I recently read the book The Light Between Us, written by medium and psychic Laura Lynne Jackson.  I’ve read many books about life after death experiences, mediums, and intuitive/psychic abilities and I loved this one because it touches on several aspects of mediumship: the emotional, metaphysical, and of course the spiritual.  It’s also written very simply and matter of fact – it only took me a few evenings to read it.

Laura starts by detailing her experiences with energy and intuition as a child and goes into explaining how she discovered her skills as a medium – while raising three kids and teaching high school English.  The overarching theme of the book is that we are all bright lights, connected as a massive field when seen from above.  This is exactly how I picture our world too.
She states, “Picture a hand with five fingers.  Each finger is distinct, but each finger also connects to the same source – the hand itself.  The fingers are separate, but connected.  We as humans have vastly different experiences here on earth, but all of our experiences funnel into one collective experience – the experience of our existence.  Our souls, our selves, our experiences, our existence – these are not isolated in any way.  The universe is not a place of separateness, it is a place of entanglement.  We are connected to others in ways we cannot fathom.”

Although most of the book focuses on touching stories of connecting people with their loved ones on the Other Side, she does get a bit into the energy and science of spirit communication as well.

For instance, she participated in a brain study with a psychologist in order to study her neurofeedback while she connected with Spirit.  They wanted to see what exactly happens to her brain waves during the process – and what they found is fascinating.  Her brainwave patterns were “almost 100% consistent with those of someone who has had a traumatic brain injury.”  Instead of normal brain wave activity, they found that during her readings her brainwaves were showing up as the kind usually seen when a person is sleeping, in a coma, or possibly having a seizure: they were big and intermittent waves rather than the normal steady series of small waves.

The psychologist pointed out that the temporal-parietal junction of the brain, which is “associated with such functions as storing new memories, processing sensory input, deriving meaning, and emotional regulation” was essentially not working much during her readings.  She was entering an altered or meditative state while communicating with Spirit by “slowing down the self-referencing activity in {her} brain.”

He goes on to tell Laura that she was “consciously getting your brain out of the way so that other people and other messages can come through.  When you perform as a psychic or a medium some parts of your brain are basically not functioning.”  She was essentially getting rid of her Ego (mind chatter) so that she could hear and see that which is not perceptible to the average person while walking around during their day.

While the majority of the book is filled with touching stories, the reason I focused on this small scientific aspect of the book is I find often people (including myself sometimes) push aside the possibility of communicating with Spirit or their loved ones on the Other Side because they either don’t think it’s real or possible and/or they don’t think they can do it.  What this brain wave analysis shows is that our brains are a part of the process.  It’s about getting the brain to function in a different way for a bit.  It’s about entering an altered state where we slow down our Ego chatter and enter a highly meditative space.  We can then reach that area of “reality” where communication with higher vibrations is possible.

This also resonates with me since I will often feel and experience sitting with my loved ones who have crossed over, or feel the presence of angels, when I’m in deep meditation.  When we call on and think of our loved ones, they are really right here next to us.  Laura does a perfect job explaining just how “close” the Other Side is:

“Take an ordinary sheet of paper in your hand.  Now hold it up in front of you, as if you’re reading from it.  Notice how that sheet of paper becomes a border that neatly divides the space it inhabits.  It may be sheer and flimsy, a few tiny pulp fibers strung together, but it’s still inarguably a border.  In fact, as a border, it divides a great amount of molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles.  When you hold it up in front of you, you and billions of things are on one side, and billions of things – chairs and windows and cars and people and parks and mountains and oceans – are on the other.  And yet, from your side of the paper, you can see and hear and access the other side quite easily – in fact, some of your fingers are already there, holding the paper. The sides may be separate, but, practically speaking, they are one and the same.  The other side of the paper is right there.”

She asks, “what if the border between our earthly life and an afterlife is as thin and permeable as a single piece of paper?  What if the other side is right there?”

I hope this gave you something to think about – and that you treat yourself to reading this book.  The stories Laura shares of her journey and the people she’s met here on Earth and on the Other Side might make you see yourself and others in a new light.

In gratitude,
