The Energy Of Grief

We’ve had a very hard couple months at our house – with my father-in-law first being on hospice and then crossing over/passing away less than two weeks ago.  He had a long and very brave seven year battle with cancer.  My family, and especially my husband, are grieving and trying to adjust as best as possible to this “new norm.”  What I am drawn to write about today is the grief process, and how our bodies, and more specifically the energy of grief, help us to heal.

Although I’m grieving the loss of my father-in-law in my own way, it’s obvious that my feelings of grief are nothing compared to what I’m watching my husband go through.  To lose a father is something on another level.

What I learned (which I am taught again and again) immediately after his passing is: I have no control over other people’s feelings, reactions, and mourning process.  While it hurts to see my husband in pain, I know that my own personal beliefs about life after death are not necessarily what he wants or needs to hear right now.  I realize it’s not the time to talk about the fact that his Dad is still right here with us and that he can hear you and see you.  It takes time to get to that place. and sometimes hearing those words can cause more anger and resentment than actual comfort.  I also remind myself that it’s not my job to convince people to see things the way I do.  I like to think I open the door and it’s up to people to walk through it and explore their own path to their higher self and all that goes with it.

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