Guided In The Moment (And The Middle Of The Night)

I woke up to the sound of my husband snoring around 4:30am today (the struggle is real dealing with a snoring spouse).  I tossed and turned for a while and then just settled into my thoughts.  Although I wasn’t feeling anxious, my mind was jumping around a bit – thinking of different activities to do with the kids today, etc.  

After an hour I moved downstairs to the couch.  There’s something comforting about being able to lay and look out the window.  I closed my eyes and told myself to find the space of peace I find during meditation.  My breath slowed, my mind followed.

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Feeling Anxious or Overwhelmed? Do this simple Daily Energy Routine!

“Everything Is Energy” will likely be engraved on my gravestone someday.  Because my poor husband and kids have to listen to me talk about it all the time.  That statement and maybe “She also loved tequila.”

I’m constantly learning more about energy, the unlimited power of our Mind, the loving beams of light that connect us all, and just how permeable and changeable our reality is.  When we realize we are made up of light energy – we realize how vast and powerful we are.

Our bodies are energy, our emotions are energy, the world that looks solid around us is actually moving energy.  Light. Vibration.

This is a great thing because we can clear our energy field (auras, chakras) of gunk like fear and anxiety.  When we replace that lower vibrational energy (remember thoughts are energy) with the light and love that surrounds us, we experience less stress, more peace, and a body that can heal itself.  All you need to do is believe it’s possible.  What’s the biggest barrier here?  The limiting thoughts of the Mind.

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Yes, Energy Healing Works

A friend sent me an article from The Atlantic titled “Reiki Can’t Possibly Work.  So Why Does It?” and it brought me such happiness!  Anytime someone, such as the article’s author, goes outside their comfort zone and wonders what is energy healing? I get so excited for them. I know how much life can change once a journey of inner healing and expansion begins.  Reiki is a wonderful door to open to get started.  So is meditation and any form of going beyond our day to day thoughts.

I’ve posted the article at the bottom of this post if you’d like to read it.  I enjoyed that the author was equal parts skeptical and equal parts open to trying something new.  People often give me the furrowed brow look when I tell them I’m an Energy Healer.  The secret they don’t know is we can all be energy healers. I’m just intentionally doing so to help myself and others.

Why are more people using energy healing?  There are endless avenues of healing to take – and it’s very common for someone to come in for a session that has tried everything in the book.  Doctors, psychologist, psychiatrists, elimination diets, restrictive diets, work out programs, self help books, pills.  And still not feeling better.  Still feeling physically unwell.  Or stuck.  Or disillusioned with life.  Or just feeling a general sense of “is this all there is?”  

Most often, people are still focusing solely on the BODY.

Continue reading “Yes, Energy Healing Works”
