Waves of Love

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. 
I will meet you there.

Take a moment today to give your body permission to go slack and fully release all tension.  Close your eyes and let out a long, slow breath.  This isn’t a meditation, but a time of purposefully remembering who You are.  With the intention of dropping your awareness of the body, remind yourself that you are a wave of vibrating, moving energy.

You’re surrounded in a sea of information – it is all around you and inside of you.  It is higher consciousness. It’s Source/the Divine/God.  It is a thought away.  By dropping the rigidity of the body and the repetitious thoughts of the brain, you are free.  This freedom is who each of us really is.  The body is only an image – or a projection – formed when we open our eyes again (this is discussed in quantum physics).

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