Yes, Energy Healing Works

A friend sent me an article from The Atlantic titled “Reiki Can’t Possibly Work.  So Why Does It?” and it brought me such happiness!  Anytime someone, such as the article’s author, goes outside their comfort zone and wonders what is energy healing? I get so excited for them. I know how much life can change once a journey of inner healing and expansion begins.  Reiki is a wonderful door to open to get started.  So is meditation and any form of going beyond our day to day thoughts.

I’ve posted the article at the bottom of this post if you’d like to read it.  I enjoyed that the author was equal parts skeptical and equal parts open to trying something new.  People often give me the furrowed brow look when I tell them I’m an Energy Healer.  The secret they don’t know is we can all be energy healers. I’m just intentionally doing so to help myself and others.

Why are more people using energy healing?  There are endless avenues of healing to take – and it’s very common for someone to come in for a session that has tried everything in the book.  Doctors, psychologist, psychiatrists, elimination diets, restrictive diets, work out programs, self help books, pills.  And still not feeling better.  Still feeling physically unwell.  Or stuck.  Or disillusioned with life.  Or just feeling a general sense of “is this all there is?”  

Most often, people are still focusing solely on the BODY.

Continue reading “Yes, Energy Healing Works”


Stop it!

I listened to a podcast the other day where a teacher referred to a Bob Newhart sketch about addressing our fearful mind.  I love Bob Newhart and had never seen this video, but I thought it was worth sharing – for the laugh of course, and also for the bit of insight.

Those familiar with my writing know I focus on edging out our Ego or “small self” voice in favor of following our True Self or our “Expanded Mind” that never dies.  I just love the idea of saying “stop it!” to our repetitive, fearful, and useless thoughts.  What if today we just didn’t give those thoughts any space in our space?  Bob is on to something.  Just “stop it”!  Make it that easy.

Continue reading “Stop it!”


Remembering Your Soul Connection

If this life is a creation we are imagining into reality in alignment with God/Source, how does true change in society happen?  I believe it’s through relating to each other – each human being on Earth –  at a higher vibration.  By consciously rising above the dense lower vibrations of fear, anxiety, and hate.  Because those too are just vibrations; just wavelengths of thought.  Yet vibrations of energy are what create our constantly changing reality.

Whether we focus on feelings/vibrations of Joy or feelings/vibrations of Fear, this effects not only our own reality, but it also plays out in the interactions we have with every human, animal, and aspect of nature we come into contact with.

Every morning you and I create an idea (mainly unconsciously until we “wake up” to our power) of what we expect to experience that day.  We, as beings of energy, then send that vibration out and it intermingles inside of us and into the vast, immense, and never ending love of God/Source/The Creator. (I’m going to go with the term God for this post)

We feel what we expect – or by habit what we felt the day before.  And because we believe in it so much, God/us then says “yes”.  Here you go. You have free will. I will take that feeling you are sending to me and bounce it back to you.  Because I am you – and you are me.  And she mirrors back to us what we send to her.

Continue reading “Remembering Your Soul Connection”


A Brief Overview of Energy Healing

When I began studying energy medicine – the study of subtle energy – I started tuning into and understanding my own energy system, how it interacts with those around me, as well as the huge impact it has on my reality.

When I tell people I work with energy, they usually ask: what exactly is energy medicine?  I find I don’t have my “2 minute blurb” dinner table conversation answer to that question yet.  Energy is such a vast subject that applies to limitless healing modalities.  So instead, here’s a short message on how I was introduced to energy medicine, as well as a broad view of how I use energy in my life.  Maybe this will open a door for you as well.

I first discovered energy medicine and healing about 6 years ago, after searching for a way to find more inner peace after the birth of my son.  Prior to that I’d meditated casually, but never in a way that it was a daily practice like it is now.  My inner voice was telling me to learn about healing.  At that time, I attended a lecture given by a local energy healer.  She went into detail about how we are all energetically connected (which can be good) and how we can carry around energy from others that doesn’t belong to us (which can be not so good).
She described an example of energy “awareness” from her own life: standing in line one day at the grocery store, she found herself behind a very rude person with what could be described as “negative” energy.  As he walked away she took her arm and quickly/subtly swiped it next to her body – like a big karate chop – between where the man stood and herself.  She referred to this as “cutting off”  or clearing any energy cords of his from attaching to her subtle energy field.  She did this quickly, and through the power of intention and movement.  My first reaction to this was, ummm…this is a bit of a stretch.  The thought of dealing with unseen energy around and in us was very new to me.  I could understand how a rude person in line can be annoying and a bit of a downer to be around, but to have that energy stick with you in your aura?  Not so sure.  However, years later, I now see and understand where she was coming from.

What the speaker was pointing out is that we’re all connected through energy fields.  So much so, that it can be hard to tell if what you’re feeling is your feeling, or is it energy that attached to you from a friend you just had lunch with, who was feeling upset about something?  Did you take on some of their energy?  Or take it further – could it be the lingering energy of the person who sat at the lunch table before you?

What does it mean and how does it benefit us that we’re all connected by light and energy?  The simple answer is, it’s what makes being a human so fascinating, and it’s why we thrive on interaction and relationships with others in order to feel JOY in life.

Whether we’re aware of it or not, we are constantly striving to experience the highest vibrational form of energy: love.

Although we are made of this purest, highest form of energy, we also hold various energies in our chakras and aura related to our past experiences, past lives, emotions, fears, traumas, joys, illnesses, and even future events.  There’s a lot of “stuff” going on in and around us.

When we lose the awareness and our connection – that is always available to us – to the high vibration of love (God/Source/Divine), we may seek to fill the empty feeling, or void, we experience by turning to addictions, dramatic relationships, or material things.  Yet the energy we crave is available for us all the time –  and it can be our healing medicine.  It can unblock energy blocks, get stagnant energy moving, and let in light where it’s needed the most.

A lot of people walk around every day completely unaware of their energetic field.  They take vitamins, work out, and eat healthy – yet forget about the importance of the unseen energy body.  And there’s nothing wrong with this necessarily.  Our amazing bodies have an aura with several layers, as well as chakras to filter energy in and out of our body.  We have ways of bringing in new energy without thinking about it (breathing), as well as releasing unwanted energy (exercise, sleeping, sound, yoga).

Yet the trouble with being unaware of our energy is, as in the example of the rude person in line with you, we can inadvertently hold on to energy from experiences that don’t serve us, people that don’t serve us, and thoughts that do us no good.  If we hold onto these, our energy can become blocked in a certain area.  For example, if you were told as a child that children are to be seen and not heard, this can have a blocking effect on your throat chakra.  As a result, this energy blockage can cause you to have difficulty communicating in your life.  You may find you struggle to express and articulate yourself clearly, and it can also be the cause of chronic pain or infections in the throat.  It’s very common that an event and feeling from your past alters your energy field, and then affects your physical body in the future.

Energy medicine teaches that with the transformative power of high vibrational energy, combined with our mind, our intentions, our movement, and our breathing in the present moment, we have the power to heal our energy and live a more centered and joyful life.  This can be done several ways, such as through meditation, healing touch, acupuncture, crystals, working with the angelic realm, Reiki, sound therapy through tones, binaural beats, and Tibetan singing bowls, astrology, yoga and qigong.  The list goes on and on.  What all these forms of energy healing have in common is they’re working with the Universal Energy: Source, God, The Divine – and being the catalyst to get that energy flowing freely in your body to heal trauma, pain, or whatever is holding you back.

As I dived deeper into my studies and began to explore my own energy and those of other students in class with me, I found I could tune into and sense people’s energy.  This is something we can all do through our intuition, as well as our extra senses of clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc.  It is a skill though, and it does take some practice to get to know how you “tune in”.

As I tune in, I “get out of my own way” and allow high vibrational energy to channel through me and into the palms of my hands – to be passed on to another person for healing.  I always remember that it is not me doing the energy healing.  It’s Source/Divine Energy/God/Angels working through me.  If this sounds out there to you – please stick with me.  I guess nobody will call me boring at my funeral someday!

For now, next time you feel a bit out of sorts, simply remember how huge and vast and bright your aura – your subtle energy – YOU are as an energetic and spiritual being. I think of us as huge beings of light, filtered down into these small bodies for our time on Earth.  We long to remember the feeling and vibration of where we came from, and we can, by taking some time to get in touch with our energy and all that we can tap into.

In closing, my message is not: well, I have it all figured out here people!  La de da.
In fact I just told my husband what I was attempting to write about in 1,000 words or less and he raised his eyebrows and gave me a good luck with that look.  Energy healing is a vast subject that can’t be covered in one short post.  For me it’s a lifelong adventure of discovering the amazing healing and creative power of Source Energy, and practicing ways to tap into this high vibrational energy of love that surrounds us.  It’s changed my life in many ways and I hope to encourage others to explore energy in their own unique way.

In gratitude,

Here’s a song to enjoy…

