Guided In The Moment (And The Middle Of The Night)

I woke up to the sound of my husband snoring around 4:30am today (the struggle is real dealing with a snoring spouse).  I tossed and turned for a while and then just settled into my thoughts.  Although I wasn’t feeling anxious, my mind was jumping around a bit – thinking of different activities to do with the kids today, etc.  

After an hour I moved downstairs to the couch.  There’s something comforting about being able to lay and look out the window.  I closed my eyes and told myself to find the space of peace I find during meditation.  My breath slowed, my mind followed.

Continue reading “Guided In The Moment (And The Middle Of The Night)”


Finding Wonder & Healing In Nature

And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.
-Roald Dahl, author

I’ve written in the past about the importance of grounding our energy.  I believe clearing and grounding our energy body and auric field to the Earth is just as important as eating healthy, sleeping, and exercising.  If you find yourself feeling anxious, depressed or out of sorts, it’s very likely your energy field is clogged up with dense and lower vibrational energies we can pick up throughout the day: other people’s energy, the collective unconscious energy (think of all the patterns of behavior on the news), as well as various toxins.

Continue reading “Finding Wonder & Healing In Nature”


Inviting Angels Into Your Life

When I first started my journey to dig deeper into spirituality and metaphysics, I didn’t think too much about higher beings, such as angels.  I grew up with a vague awareness and certainly some religious-tied beliefs about angels, but it was nothing I gave much thought to.  I have to admit, I don’t think I really believed angels were around me, and most importantly, I didn’t believe that I could call on them for help, advice, and healing in my own life.  Although a lovely idea, I wasn’t a nun, I wasn’t overly religious, and most importantly, I didn’t have concrete examples of angels in my life that I could refer to.

Why did I not feel the help and guidance of angels?  Because of the gift we are given on Earth: free will.

Angels and higher beings will not interfere in your life without an invitation. That doesn’t mean they aren’t around you when you pray or meditate, but it does mean they’re not going to be interacting directly in your life as they would once you ask for their help and guidance.

When I took my first Reiki class, my teacher talked about angels being around us and how they helped with healing.  I smiled at the thought, and thought of it in an abstract sort of way.  “Well that’s nice…” I said to myself.  But again, with nothing tangible to go from, I didn’t choose to acknowledge them at that point.  I was still new to the idea of thinking of life and the Universe in terms of energy and vibration.

A few years later, as my energy healing abilities started to unfold, I started to realize the power of vibration and frequency.  I started to understand – and experience – that although I can’t see energies of high frequency, they certainly are around us.  I knew because I felt them.  This was finally a tangible thing I could understand.

I began to get the nudge to explore the angelic realm, and more specifically the Archangels. I attribute this curiosity to my Divine Self intuitively telling me this is what would help me on my journey.  I started to read a lot of books from the go-to author on all things angels: Doreen Virtue.  Here’s a link to her books on Amazon.

I found it fascinating to read that the Archangels (such as the familiar Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel) can help anyone at anytime simply by us taking the time to ask, with an open heart and an open mind.  In the higher dimensions there is no such thing as time as we know it, so angels can help any number of people at any time.

That’s really all there is to it.

This post isn’t going to go into the vast subject of Archangels, but my hope is rather to open the door to others to get to know angels better.  They are all around and you simply have to ask for help – and they are very creative about giving it.  They always respond in the best way, and for your highest good (although not necessarily in the way you ask for or expect).

It’s similar to my post on asking for Divine Guidance, only with the Archangels I’ve learned to work with certain ones for certain things.  When I do a healing session, I like to call in Archangels Michael and Raphael.  For help with finding what’s next on my path I often call on Archangel Uriel, who is able to provide insights.

If you want to start small, ask for help with finding something you lost.  Or with help shopping for a great deal on a new dress you had in mind.  Or go big and ask for guidance for your next career move.  Then do your part by being aware of any insight you receive.  This could be a sudden urge to look something up online (a class you need to take, a contact you should email, etc) or a person could be placed on your path that’s part of the plan.  As you ask for more and more help in areas of your life, you might be pushed to make small changes such as adjusting your eating habits, joining a new group, or de-cluttering your house.  Small steps that will open up to you effortlessly.  Yet it will always be a loving direction.  If anything comes to mind that’s negative towards yourself or others, that’s just your ego getting in the way.

I always thought angels weren’t in my life because I’d never “seen” one with my physical eyes.  However, it’s very rare for an angel to show themselves as their physical bright “light” form and simply say, “listen, let me just handle everything right now that needs to be done”. Wouldn’t our life on Earth be vastly different if we could actually see all the angels helping us?  It might be a bit distracting!

So although I can’t see them, the angels help me with small things on a daily basis, such as getting to a place on time when I’m stuck in traffic,  directing me how to fix something (my husband is amazed by this sometimes) or planting an idea for a blog post or photography shoot.  They also have been instrumental in guiding me on my healing and spiritual path.

The angels work with us in creative ways through other people and animals, and by creating synchronicity in our life.  They will also:
Nudge you to take action
Slow you down if you need to rest and heal
Bring someone into your life to help, teach, or direct you
Provide you with sudden “aha” moments
Help you heal yourself
Always provide assistance for your highest good (not necessary what you think you need)

And what I think is best of all: they will even let you feel their presence during meditation or as you sleep.  Ask for them to be with you, train yourself to become aware of higher vibrational energy around you, and you can feel their very subtle presence.

Remember that an angel is of a vibration of pure love. They are the closest to God/Source/The Creator.  While they are her messengers and her Divine helpers, we have to remember we also have to do our part.  For example, if you want to get to an event on time and you kindly ask for the help of Archangel Michael, you still have to drive the car there. We still have to take steps ourselves and be in the driver’s seat of our life – but everything flows better when the angels are involved.

Finally, if like me you’re not a particularly religious person, don’t let that stop you from contacting the angels.  This isn’t about religion at all.  It’s about remembering where you came from – as a being of pure light.
It’s about opening up to the love that we all have available to us – because it’s what we’re made of.  It’s remembering that you deserve to have a joyful life – and you have a vast reserve of help waiting to be invited in.  When things are less joyful on your journey, as we all experience, remember your free willask for help, and trust you will receive it.

In gratitude,


Reflections On Science & Spirituality & Allowing Yourself To Wonder

The enemy of science is not religion. Religion comes in endless shapes and forms…The true enemy is the substitution of thought, reflection, and curiosity with dogma.
-Frans de Waal

Growing up I always pictured God as a male figure, looming and looking down on me from the sky. Watching to see that I did everything right, was nice to others, said my prayers. A very simplistic, childlike view of God that was good and fine and taught with all good intentions at my church. I still have a strong faith in God/Spirit/Source (please don’t get hung up on the wording of God – use whatever you feel comfortable with) yet have always been torn by my highly analytical, experiential, and scientific outlook of the world as well. I am fascinated by the magic-like study of quantum physics, the interplay of the energies in and around us, as well as the power of our mind and body to heal itself.

I have finally come to a place in life where I’m comfortable with the Spiritual side of life as well as the Scientific. I believe they can co-exist – and realizing this has brought much more joy and purpose to my life.

The single biggest thing I teach my kids and those who are open to listening, is that God/Source is all around you, running through you, in the open space in front you as you sit here reading your screen, as well as in every cell of your body, down into your DNA. You cannot help but have this Universal, highly intelligent Spirit/Source/God energy running through you. In fact, it’s not even a choice. You are born of it. We are not separate from God; God is us.

This is why I cringe when someone says God is judging a certain person or group of people, or doesn’t accept a certain group. Because how can God judge someone who is him/herself? It doesn’t make sense. We are all one. Even those doing terrible things are in essence made of the same energy as you and me. So while I don’t want to go have a glass of wine with a murderer, and society rightly doesn’t embrace that behavior, we are all given free will – and even that person is a Divine being at their core. They’ve just lost their way here on Earth for a time.

I’m a visual person, so here is how I picture it. Imagine the giant, unimaginable greatness of the whole Universe. The vast expanse that continues out to who knows where. It boggles my mind. That is a huge energy field – and imagine God/Source as the whole of it. The outer edge (if there is one?) to the inner core and all the space in between. The best visual I can picture for this is Floam, the play stuff my kids like. It’s not perfect, but it’ll do for this post.

Imagine the pink in the image as God, or whatever you feel comfortable calling him/her – the creator of all that is. The planets, the stars, angels, spirits, humans, animals, trees, objects, thoughts – essentially everything – are all the tiny little white balls inside (imagine the inside of the balls as pink as well).

See how we are all encompassed by this Divine energy/God? Although we’re not all necessarily in the same dimension at once – we are in the same field. That’s what I feel and what I mean when I say we are all connected. This is also proven in quantum physics and written about in all forms of religious texts as well. We are like cells in the body of God. So that every thing our neighbor does, it effects not only themselves, but it moves and ripples the energy and the whole, to effect us too.

Just like all the cells, organs, meridians, etc. work together in our human body and affect our whole self- it’s also the same on a larger scale: we as people, as well as animals and nature, spirits that have crossed over, angels and spirit guides, interact together and affect the whole. Still with me? And all the while God is embracing everyone. Everyone. Because we are all surrounded and made up of God; of this Divine Energy. Not simply looked down on from above.

In this way, we are never alone. We are always surrounded by spirit, Divine energy, our Divine self. We are so much more powerful than we know. Every moment we are co-creating our life, our reality on Earth, with God/the energies within and around us.

This is why I encourage others to open up to their Divine Self through mediation and reflection. Through quiet moments, we can still our mind and experience the vast space between our thoughts where we can access all “that is”. The Universe. God. Science and Spirituality. We can come to realize that we are always surrounded by support and can access it through our Divine Self. We can create a life we love through our thoughts, intentions, and gratitude. I wish I could teach this to everyone, but it’s a journey we all take in different ways and it’s an inside job.

I hope this makes a bit of sense. This is what I’ve come to experience so far in this go-round on Earth, but I’m learning every day and I’m sure this view will evolve as I do. Maybe part of this will resonate with you. And maybe it won’t. But either way, I hope it gets you thinking and stretches you out of your comfort zone maybe.

We can each have different views, and if someone is telling you that their view is the only right way, that’s usually a good sign to walk away.  Because that’s the beauty of it all. It’s all unknown – we can only go by what we feel, what we experience, and faith.

In gratitude,
