Set Your Station To RECEIVER

As a curious person by nature, I can spend hours pondering metaphysical concepts, the Universe, and all things seen and unseen.  I know a lot of you reading this can relate.  But one day I read a quote about a group of people studying a map for years and years….yet never actually taking a trip.  This struck a chord with me.

While it’s a joy to ponder and plan and wonder about life – isn’t the whole point to experience it?

I started looking at how I was energetically living my life.

I came to know we are spiritual beings first and foremost – projecting into this body suit for a bit. This means we are energetic beings, we vibrate at various frequencies, and we are constantly creating and in motion.  We’re tuning into different frequencies all day every day whether we realize it or not.

Continue reading “Set Your Station To RECEIVER”


Remain Conscious Of The Energy You Spread To The World

The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
The realist adjusts the sails
-William Arthur Ward, author

It goes without saying that the world we live in – complete with hurricanes, shootings, war, politics – can be daunting, confusing, and heartbreaking at times.  I too feel this when I read the news headlines and I question “what is going on?”  But after a bit of time stewing in the lower vibrating energy of asking why and how could they, I know it’s time to step up to the higher perspective. I take a moment to find my center, breathe into the present moment where my mind chatter calms down, and realize that the best I can do to help is to hold my own energy high in the face of the pain – and growth – going on in our world.

While I don’t ignore what’s going on in the news, I do make a conscious choice not to become addicted to the drama.  It’s easy to be sucked into the news cycle, where the effects can be felt both emotionally and physically in the body.  So while I choose not to trivialize events going on, I also choose not to let them darken my personal energy space.  This does a disservice to those who are suffering.  Instead, by consciously holding ourselves in a space of light, that is the wavelength we broadcast to the world.  And this is how the world grows and changes even in the midst of pain.

Continue reading “Remain Conscious Of The Energy You Spread To The World”


Releasing Energy Patterns In Your Life

What came to me to write about today is patterns vs. habits in our lives.  What is the difference and how can a pattern in our subtle energy field (the energy we are surrounded by and made up of) show up in our daily lives?

First think of habits you may have.  Something as simple as the habit of eating peanut butter toast every morning for breakfast.  The beneficial habit of brushing your teeth vs. the not so beneficial habit of biting your nails.  Habits are things we often do without much thought – yet because they are a “habit” they are also easily changeable with a little motivation and self discipline.  While it may be annoying to have to change bad eating habits (the actual food you put on your plate) – it can be much more emotional and sometimes daunting to go further and change the pattern (what are the emotions and fears behind overeating or depriving yourself of food?).  See how the pattern is deeper?  Getting rid of the habit is cutting the weed away.  Getting rid of the pattern is pulling the weed out by it’s roots.

I think of a pattern as a strong force or lower vibration in the subtle body energy field.  I visualize it as a swirling ball of energy in someone’s aura that causes an imbalance in the body’s vibration, then mind, and eventually in their physical life.

An energy pattern can be formed in utero (yes, you’re effected in the womb by energy around you), or in early childhood.  Patterns are also carried over from past lives and from your ancestors that came before you.  They can also be formed in this life from a particularly impactful experience or relationship.  However that pattern started, if you allow it to remain in your energy field, it will do it’s job of playing on loop over and over – and bring those experiences that reflect the pattern into your physical life for you to experience over and over until the lesson it is teaching is learned.  That is, until you take control of your own energy, love every aspect of yourself (“good” and “bad”) and release the pattern once and for all.

We often forget that we are masters of our energy field.  Without realizing it, we create the day ahead of us by simply going on what happened the previous day.  Without mindfulness of our thoughts and emotions, it’s so very easy to slip into the loop.  Into a stuck pattern.  In this way, we are surrendering our control and missing out on the magical part of life.

So how can we heal these energy wounds and imbalances that show up as patterns in our lives?  It can be overwhelming to think of addressing energy patterns from ancestors that lived 200 years ago.  However, with simple awareness, intention, and self love – any pattern can be released.

The first thing to do is name the pattern.   Once you can pinpoint the pattern that’s limiting you, you open the door to healing.  Say it out loud.  Name the pattern = tame the pattern.  You take away it’s power.  By beginning to shed light on it, you lose your fear of it, which is the first step in dissolving it.

The second thing to do is lose any judgement of the pattern.  If you fear it, you are fighting it too much.  Love the pattern for what it is – something to learn from  – and it begins to loosen.

Then start asking yourself questions that will lead to self awareness and healing:

  • What are you claiming? What thoughts are you claiming as “yours” that you don’t need? (ex: “I am bad with money”)
  • What patterns are showing up in your life that bring you fear? (ex: “I know I’m going to get sick”)
  • Do you feel stuck in any area of your life?  Dig deeper and see the core pattern. (ex: issues of self love, fear of being alone, fear of not having enough)

The subject of patterns is so important, because they are often the very thing that is holding someone back from their life purpose.  It’s also important to remember we ALL have patterns.  We come into this life with them whether we choose to or not.  Intentionally calling out the patterns you are claiming as “yours” each day allows you to learn from them.  We learn compassion for ourselves.

We then begin to have compassion for people acting out in terrible ways.  What patterns were those people raised with?  What patterns are they acting out in this life from things their ancestors did lifetimes ago?  It’s a cycle that can be broken only with love and light – not shame.

Here’s a final example of how to not fear patterns of energy, but instead look at them as a learning tool to grow from and raise your vibration.  Imagine a person with an out of control drinking “habit” whose root “pattern” is fear of not being good enough.  If that person can have a small moment of awakening (it just takes a moment!) to acknowledge their pattern, they open the door to healing.  As they open up to more light in their life, bit by bit that energy pattern begins to dissolve into the universe (I actually visualize the energy clearing from the body).  The person is then filled with high vibrational energy and new momentum.  Maybe they’re led to become an addiction counselor and help others in their own stuck patterns.  See how sometimes the patterns we fear looking at inside of ourselves are the very patterns that are here to serve as our wake up call and open up new doors?  By working on clearing unwanted energy, new possibilities are made available to us that reflect what we really dream of in life.

If this struck a chord with you – take some time to be aware of patterns showing up in your life that aren’t serving you. Rememeber a pattern can be a thought or emotion – as well as people and events repeatedly showing up in your life.  If you notice something you want to release, welcome in these words:

I am stuck.
I have the right to know myself in a new way – I have the right to be unstuck.
I welcome changes in my energy field to lead me to more freedom
to be the best version of myself.

Go a step further and work with the angels around you.  You don’t have to do this all on your own – you’re surrounded by helpers just waiting to be asked.

I posted a little song below for some inspiration!

In Gratitude,


Soaking Up The Energy Of The Summer Solstice

Today, June 20th, marks the Summer Solstice – the longest day of the year in the North (and longest night in the South).  Last year I spend the Summer Solstice at a fascinating group ceremony with a local Shaman.  We spent the night drumming and listening to his insight for each of us for the year to come.  It was certainly something I’d never done before and was a fun way to get outside of my comfort zone.  This year I’m home with the kids and simply taking some time to open up space for the new energy pouring in at this time of year.

Here’s an easy way to stop and enjoy the energy benefits of the Summer Solstice:

  • Write down, or simply reflect, on what you would like to open up to in your life.  This could be a new attitude, new emotion, or letting go of a fear or belief.
  • Rather than making a plea or prayer for the change to be given, state it in the affirmative.  Such as, “thank you for peace in my life”.  State it as if you already have it.
  • Sit (or stand) in the moment and let go of any attachment to what you think you should feel as you breathe in and out for a short while.  By doing this, you are simply opening up new space in your energy field.  If your mind is busy, the simple mantra “I Am The Light” can bring you into the present moment.  By surrendering attachment or expectation, you open up space to create real change.
  • There is no need to overthink any of it.  In fact, trying to be perfect with your intention can simply hold you back.
  • Thank the sun for it’s light – and imagine it’s beams of light flowing throughout your whole body.

Here I am last night soaking it up!



Happy Summer!

In gratitude,


The Art Of Letting Go

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
Lao Tzu

While practicing mindfulness on what you want to bring into your life, try not to limit yourself to just creating material change (new job, new car, new body) but go further and work on mental and spiritual change and growth.  That’s what we’re here for!  There’s so much to gain by stretching your mind and energy past the mundane of every day life.

As a piggyback to my last post on “I Am” meditation, I’m going to talk about an important step of working with Divine energy: practicing the art of letting go and letting flow.  In the process of welcoming healing, creativity, and growth into your life, it’s important to remind yourself to surrender.

Remember that physics proves that everything around us, including our physical bodies, is made up of vibrating energy.  Nothing is actually solid.  This means that everything around us only becomes solid in our “view” by us looking at it.  I love this. Our world is truly an illusion we are creating over and over.  So as you feel your goals and ideas in your heart and send them out to the Universe, you’re instructing the subtle energy around you to slowly shift to create what you are consciously (or unconsciously) manifesting.  We can focus our attention and intention to better our physical lives through self healing or our mental lives through increased happiness and abundance.

What does letting go mean for you?  Quite simply it means get out of your own way.  Loosen any attachments to how or when something will happen – and simply allow.  Since no energy is ever destroyed, but rather rearranged or evolved into something new, the attachments we hold to a situation or an idea can hold us back if we don’t release the energy to be transformed.  If you hold too tightly or focus too much on fear and what if and how, the energy is too tied up in your thoughts.  It isn’t free to form into the very thing you’re trying to create or heal.  Instead you keep looking around and seeing the same thing, experiencing the same thing, viewing and inviting in the same thing over and over.

Let it go.

This explains the phenomenon of people meeting their spouse after they quit looking so hard.  Or the skeptic being healed by energy work since they have no expectation or attachment to the outcome.

Breathe deep

Laugh to loosen up the energy

Allow life to unfold without the fear or struggle of a timeline

We as a society crave immediate gratification. We know it’s important to have goals in life and seek out what we want, but we often turn this into a struggle and become stressed when things don’t happen on our planned timeline.  However – in the higher realms of quantum and spiritual energy, there’s no such thing as time.  Everything is happening right now: past, present, and future are all in this single present moment. It’s only here in the denser energies on Earth that we label things with minutes, hours, and days, so that we can function in an organized manner.  There’s nothing wrong with this, but we have to remember we are human and spirit.  So whenever I get impatient and want something to happen now, I turn to the “I Am” statements and focus on knowing that in the timeless quantum and spiritual realms, that which I desire already exists.  I just have to wait for the Divine Timing for it to manifest into physical form.  If it’s in the best interest of my Divine Self, it will eventually take shape in the denser reality I live in.  

In the meantime, I do things to get back in the present moment so that stress or anxiety doesn’t hold my energy back.  Go outside, go for a run, play with my kids, go sky diving.  Okay I don’t go skydiving.  But do whatever works to get the energy moving while giving my mind a rest.

By releasing attachment and letting go, you’re free to enjoy the process of learning and experiencing things as they unfold. Take notice and say “thank you” when the right people, the right opportunities, in the right moment, show up for you.  That’s the fun of it all.  Have an attitude of gratitude and divine synchronicity will happen again and again.

By remaining open and going with the flow, you can create anything in yourself and in your material world that’s in alignment with your Divine Self.  Notice how I didn’t say your human self.  Sometimes we have to learn lessons here on Earth, so certain experiences must play out for our learning.  Always go within and listen to your inner guidance – and know when it’s time to let the energy go, so you don’t suffocate the very thing you want to bring into your life.

Repeat this if you’re stuck:
All is as it should be
All is as it should be

This helps me when my kids are fighting and the house is a mess and it’s dinnertime and I haven’t showered yet.  Accept it all.  All is as it should be.  Some days this is easier than others, but we just do the best we can.  Remind yourself to surrender and release.  Experience all that is right now.  It’s through the present moment that life comes back to you in the best possible way, in the best possible timing.  You’re never alone and always supported by Spirit.

In gratitude,


Creating Change Through “I Am” Energy

“Worrying is like praying for something you don’t want”

As you begin to notice your inner dialogue, either through mindful awareness or mediation, you start to be more cognizant of your “self talk”. What I noticed after detaching from my constant mind chatter was how often I made firm, repetitive statements not only to myself but out loud to others – that I didn’t necessarily want to be making. Statements such as:
I’m so tired
I’m so stressed out
I’ll never be able to do that

These thoughts are often so fleeting or ingrained in us that we might not even notice how often we think or say them out loud. The neural pathways in our brain become used to these “I am” statements that we tell ourselves every day, and it becomes very hard to break free of them – even if they serve no benefit.

This often isn’t our fault. The brain is a huge computer and while useful, it also takes a bit of work to change long ingrained thought patterns. Those neurotransmitters work hard to make pathways that make our life easier. So while it’s great to know “don’t touch a hot oven,” it’s not so great to “know” yourself as “I’m fearful” or “I’m stressed” or “I’m unhealthy” – or whatever negative statement you might repeat to yourself consciously or unconsciously.

Why does the brain often get stuck in the negative vs. the positive? A lot of it has to do with our unconscious “fight or flight” instincts that tell us we must struggle in life; for food, or shelter, or safety. This is in our energy fields from our more primitive lifetimes and since the brain is hardwired for our survival – it’s primed to keep us alive in scarcity (even if we have plenty). This is why people often think “I don’t have enough” or “I’m not enough” or “something bad might happen to me”.

This leads to why I love meditating to “I Am” statements or mantras. By consciously feeling the I AM statement you make, repeating it in a mindful way, and energetically sending that signal through your brain, your aura, and the Universe, you can alter your neural pathways, and in turn change your perception of yourself and your reality.

As a small example, I had a terrible cold last week and had to drop everything because I felt so sick. Of course all day I was saying out loud “I’m so sick” and “I feel so awful”. These are pretty firm “I am” statements. And my mind, body, and energy field were responding with “yes.” So I was wallowing in that low vibration and “stuck” in the sickness.  After some needed time to rest, I started to be proactive and instead would say “I’m healing from this cold” or “I’m feeling better”. Even when I wasn’t. Amazingly, that simple shift in verbiage helped get my energy into a forward momentum of healing vs. stagnant illness.

This isn’t simply a positive affirmation – you are intentionally feeling the vibration of what you desire, releasing it, and experiencing the results over time. Not to get too woo-woo, but imagine yourself stepping into a new reality as you make your “I Am” statement. A reality that’s right here, yet in a different and higher vibration. Where that sickness doesn’t exist anymore.  Some people refer to this as Quantum Jumping.

Whatever you state in the affirmative – expect it back. There’s real truth to the saying “fake it ’till you make it”

This can be used on a small scale for annoyances like a cold or aches and pains, or for more in-depth things like losing weight, getting a new job, or dealing with chronic disease.  For instance, rather than saying “I need to lose weight” – change the wording and simply say “I am at a healthy weight”.  Your brain and energy field don’t know this isn’t true – and stating where you want to be then gets that momentum going.  Change your energy to think you are already where you want to be – for example, at your ideal weight.  Then rather than struggling, your results will unfold with divine timing: smoothly and in your best interest.

Below is a simple mediation you can try to encourage your brain to make new neural pathways and to create or manifest something energetically in your life. You can invite whatever you’d like into your life and the Universe will always respond with “Yes”. That’s why it’s so important to be mindful of what you’re inviting in! Is it for your best interest or not?  Send out enough positive or negative “I Am” statements and that will be what you see around you.

It can take at least 3 weeks to form long lasting thought pattern changes in the brain – so keep at it. While energy, chakra, and aura shifts can occur in one mediation it does take longer to train the brain. And both are part of the process.

Here we go:
-Find a quiet place to sit, with your feet on the ground, for at least 10 min.

-Take a few deep breaths into your belly and fill your whole body with air, then slowly exhale

-Relax your body, releasing any tension you’re holding

-As you exhale, say in your mind (or out loud if you prefer) your “I Am” statement
For example, “I am healthy”. Feel what this statement means to you and do your best to imagine it’s already true and it is your reality.

-Then as you inhale, simply state “I Am”

Repeat this to yourself over and over with each inhale and exhale. You’re now energetially telling the Universe/Source/God what you want.  Exhale and send the thought energy out – then as you inhale – you receive that new energy into your body as an affirmative acceptance: “I Am”.

As you make this a daily practice, think of each new day as a blank slate. You have the power to alter the energy of the day in whichever way you’d like. Each time you mindfully change your self talk, the easier it gets. Before you know it, your new neural pathways and your vibrant, open energy field will seek out and welcome the experiences, the people, and the lessons that fit in with and support your “I Am” statements. Your life takes on a magnetic quality, where all your “I Am” intentions are played out in the story you are creating that is your life.

Get creative with it and see what you can welcome into your reality…

In gratitude,


When It’s Not All Sunshine & Rainbows: Examining The Shadow Self

Laugh and Cry
Live and Die
Life is a Dream we are Dreaming
-“Then You Look At Me” Horner/Jennings

One of the reasons people shy away from getting to know their Divine Self, or their higher self, is they don’t want to face the uncomfortable feelings, or memories, or certain aspects of themselves that come up when choosing to live a life of awareness.  When we wake up.

Even the most spiritually awakened humans at times have feelings of self doubt, fear, anger – dense, low vibrational thoughts.  Why?  Because we are human in this go-round; we are on Earth to learn and grow.  And while we are made of light, we also have a “Shadow” Self.  Although you might not be familiar with the term, you will likely recognize the feeling.

The Shadow Self is that part of us that usually lies dormant, that comes out in moments of fear and judgement and self doubt.  Don’t get this confused with the word “evil”. Because all of the energy in and around us, light and shadow, good and bad, is of the same Source.  The Shadow Self is part of us, part of our personality, and our soul.
(Besides, what is “evil” really but a light fully lost in the shadows?)

We as individuals all have a Shadow Self and since we’re all connected, society as a whole has it’s own Shadow Self.

As more people wake up to their Divine Self, the aspects of our Shadow Selves are being seen and acknowledged – they are coming out in full force for us to address so they can lose their hold on not only us as a person, but all of the human race.

Let me put this into a global example.  Here’s stating the obvious: there’s a lot of chaos in the world right now.  Nobody can disagree with that.  Notice how deeply held secrets and beliefs, underlying thoughts and strong emotions about race, economic standing, gender, sexuality – are being addressed and brought to the surface.  We are taking a look at all aspects of the human psyche – from the good to the bad to the ugly.  It’s as though everything is being cracked wide open.  This is the Shadow Self of our society making itself known.

All of these thoughts from the collective unconscious are being manifested and “played out” in our world.  Remember everything we as a society think – whether spoken out loud or held in the Shadow Self – is a vibration and eventually it will show up in our reality to be dealt with.

Life is co-created by Us…it is a “dream we are dreaming.”  While it’s chaos for now, this will lead to more peace in the future as we break free of all of our hidden thoughts and beliefs.  With awareness comes transformation. If we don’t allow ourselves to get caught in the muck of it all – true change can happen (see my post on using discernment vs. judgment)

So!  What does this mean for you on a personal level?

Are you also feeling the effects of this powerful energy shift in your daily life?

Do you feel full of love and positivity one day and sluggish and depleted the next?

Maybe old memories and emotions from the past are coming up in the present moment?

Maybe things are actually manifesting in your life for you to address and work on?

There are any number of ways the Shadow Self can show up.  Self doubt, resentment, anxiety, depression, fear.  The important thing to remember is: this is part of you. This is nothing to be ashamed of.  Just because you’re on a spiritual path doesn’t mean you’re perfect. You could be dealing with a painful experience from a past life, or from when you were 2 years old.

Why is all this important?  Because through recognizing our Shadow Self – and most importantly accepting it – we can then take those dense energies and loosen their hold.  However, if instead we choose to not acknowledge them (think of the repeated cycles of race relations, gender gaps, inequality) or shame ourselves for feeling them, those dense energies show up in violent behavior, addictions, and self harm.  We can really be our own worst enemy.  We see this all the time on the news, right?

How can you work with these energies in a positive way?

-First, when you feel fear or anger or frustration come up – let it.  Don’t push it away. You’re not a bad person if you feel annoyed or angry.  I tell my kids: “it’s okay to feel sad, it’s okay to feel angry”. If you push a feeling down it will STICK in your energy for days or years or a lifetime.

-If the situation allows, write it down.  Or if it doesn’t, simply state it out loud: “I’m so angry that my boyfriend dumped me and I’m scared I’ll be alone forever” or  “I’m so frustrated and I hate my job”.  This sounds simple, but so often people fail to take the time to recognize their feelings before turning them into something self destructive or harmful to someone else.

-As you do this, remember your Divine Self – either by taking a few deep breaths or focusing on your heart or whatever it is that works to get you centered.  By calling in your higher self, you will shift into being an observer of the feeling.

This is the magic moment.

When that internal shift occurs, which is easier to do than you think, you bring conscious awareness to the moment and to the Shadow energy. In fact you don’t actually have to DO anything.  Just be in that feeling without a strong opinion of your reaction.  You won’t die from feeling a feeling.

Give it space – you will feel a shift as it neutralizes.  You might also cry, feel hot or cold, shiver, or sigh loudly.  This is your body physically releasing.  Always remember we are surrounded by high vibrational energy.  Look at all the “empty”, open space around you.  When you breathe in that air, it is full of so much that’s unseen.

We have so much power simply in our intention and the power of our breath in the present moment.

Now as you feel this shift, you may be drawn to take action – be sure it’s made from a place that’s in the moment and intuitive.  Maybe you are drawn to go for a walk or a run outside – this will get that energy moving.  Or maybe you’ll want to scream out loud (let’s try to avoid doing this in pubic. ha.), or punch a pillow, or go fishing, or dance, or paint, or simply take a bath.  Go with what your body is telling you – not with what someone else says.

Know thyself – know thyself – know thyself

It’s important to remember this is an inside job.  While you can reach out to talk to a friend, it really is your Divine Self that knows what you need and does all the heavy lifting anyway.  And the answer will always, always come from a place of love.

Wouldn’t this be a better world if we all acknowledged our Shadow Self instead of pushing it down or letting it fully encompass us?  Because even those who are doing evil acts on Earth – remember they’re also a loving light at their core – are simply completely engulfed in the shadows.

I find that as I acknowledge Shadow emotions or moods that come up that aren’t in resonance with my lighter/loving self, I’m now able to notice them and sometimes even use the energy to my advantage.  I can be a feisty person and also introspective to the point where I need a lot of alone time.  These aren’t my favorite things about myself, but when I am aware of this need and channel the energy the right way, I am happier, I love myself, and I get things done!  See how it’s our awareness and acceptance of it that makes the difference?  And how we work with it rather than push it down?

Listen to your Shadow Self.  What is it trying to tell you?  How can it serve you and how can it free you of what doesn’t serve you?  If you find you’re not acting as your best self, don’t scold yourself – look within and get to the root of it.  Let it know you have your eye on it. By turning your awareness to it, you’re taking away it’s power, and you’re bettering not only yourself, but the whole world.
(please note, always seek professional help if any negative thoughts get to be too much for you alone)

In closing, don’t be scared off or intimidated or ashamed of the term Shadow Self.  As I’ve stated before: all energy, all humans, every atom, molecule, proton and neuron, seen and unseen, is part of Universal Energy/Source/God. You have nothing to fear other than living with blinders on.  Ask your Divine Self to wake you up.  Every day state out loud “wake me up!”  Life unfolds in wonderful ways when you are a conscious co-creator.

Need a little release after this?  I thought this song hit the spot with this post – turn it up and dance.  Get that energy moving!

In gratitude,

