Learn To Awaken & Trust Your Intuition

I’ll be teaching a 3 part class this Fall all about Awakening and Trusting Your Intuition.

Each of us has an inner guide – our Spirit/Soul/Connection to Source – and it often gets buried as our human mind and outside sources become our go-to navigators.  Rather than going within for peace and confidence and direction, it can become habit to do a quick Google search, read the news, ask a friend or family member, or read a book.  But we each have the gift of our own inner voice.  Have you been listening to yours?

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Feeling Uninspired Lately? Remember the Bigger Picture.

If you’re feeling off balance, overwhelmed, or disconnected from your spark – here’s a great shift in perspective that I often give my clients as a visual:

Imagine your life – from start to finish – as a book. I’ll use myself as an example.  The character in my book is named Nicki.  I’m playing her part – as a mother, wife, friend, etc.  Look beyond the book and notice the presence holding the book, reading it, and experiencing the story from start to finish (birth to death).  Who is this presence viewing the story?  This is your Soul.  And your connection to the Great Spirit.  When the story of Nicki ends someday, this presence will continue on.

See how I am both the character in the story AND the presence looking at the big picture and the full book of my life?  I’m both. 

Continue reading “Feeling Uninspired Lately? Remember the Bigger Picture.”
