Pondering Life Questions With My Son…

The other night before bed, my 12 year old son asked me, “If heaven is so great, and you always tell me I’m a big ball of love and light that came from there and will return there after I die – then why do we come here? Why not just stay in heaven forever?”

Whelp. I guess he’s definitely my kid. At this point my husband would have said, “go ask your Mom.”

Why do we come to Earth? Perfect, let’s dive into this at 10pm on a Monday night.  I do love this question though and thought it worth sharing our conversation.

I began by explaining it’s my belief that it’s our Soul’s choice to visit Earth. I believe the larger aspect of us, which you might call your Soul/Higher Self/Awareness/Consciousness, chooses when to incarnate (I believe we incarnate for many lives), to which parents, which part of the world, and which circumstances. I like to think of it as going to an amusement park or choosing to play a game. But of course Earth steps it up a notch by being a wildly immersive, multi-sensory, all-inclusive game.

The game of Life.

Continue reading “Pondering Life Questions With My Son…”


The KEY to Real Change and Happiness…

Are you craving something different but not sure what?

Are you overwhelmed with thoughts of the past, anxiety over the future, or just plain indecisive?

Do you long to feel a connection to your purpose here on Earth?

Are you seeking more happiness? More peace? More adventure?
What a wonderful space to be in!
You’re starting to question life and your place in it.
Questioning and being curious is the SWEET SPOT.
Your Soul is knocking – maybe it’s time to slow down and listen.

Continue reading “The KEY to Real Change and Happiness…”


How I Shifted From Anxiety To Intuitive Knowing

This is a little longer post, but there’s a message in it that I hope you enjoy.

We seem to live in a world of instant gratification, combined with a constant stream of suggestion and influence.  From Amazon to Instagram to InstaCart – we see image after product after lists of “10 Ways To A Better You…” An endless stream of THIS WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY. 

Think about all the information thrown at you in one day.  

Where does that stream of suggestions and news and ideas we absorb actually GO?  They take on an energy of their own and float around in our minds on an endless loop of INNER chatter.  Running in the background, behind the scenes, noticed and un-noticed by us. 

It’s no wonder so many people feel anxious and depressed. 

Continue reading “How I Shifted From Anxiety To Intuitive Knowing”
