Pondering Life Questions With My Son…

The other night before bed, my 12 year old son asked me, “If heaven is so great, and you always tell me I’m a big ball of love and light that came from there and will return there after I die – then why do we come here? Why not just stay in heaven forever?”

Whelp. I guess he’s definitely my kid. At this point my husband would have said, “go ask your Mom.”

Why do we come to Earth? Perfect, let’s dive into this at 10pm on a Monday night.  I do love this question though and thought it worth sharing our conversation.

I began by explaining it’s my belief that it’s our Soul’s choice to visit Earth. I believe the larger aspect of us, which you might call your Soul/Higher Self/Awareness/Consciousness, chooses when to incarnate (I believe we incarnate for many lives), to which parents, which part of the world, and which circumstances. I like to think of it as going to an amusement park or choosing to play a game. But of course Earth steps it up a notch by being a wildly immersive, multi-sensory, all-inclusive game.

The game of Life.

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Set Your Station To RECEIVER

As a curious person by nature, I can spend hours pondering metaphysical concepts, the Universe, and all things seen and unseen.  I know a lot of you reading this can relate.  But one day I read a quote about a group of people studying a map for years and years….yet never actually taking a trip.  This struck a chord with me.

While it’s a joy to ponder and plan and wonder about life – isn’t the whole point to experience it?

I started looking at how I was energetically living my life.

I came to know we are spiritual beings first and foremost – projecting into this body suit for a bit. This means we are energetic beings, we vibrate at various frequencies, and we are constantly creating and in motion.  We’re tuning into different frequencies all day every day whether we realize it or not.

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Feeling Uninspired Lately? Remember the Bigger Picture.

If you’re feeling off balance, overwhelmed, or disconnected from your spark – here’s a great shift in perspective that I often give my clients as a visual:

Imagine your life – from start to finish – as a book. I’ll use myself as an example.  The character in my book is named Nicki.  I’m playing her part – as a mother, wife, friend, etc.  Look beyond the book and notice the presence holding the book, reading it, and experiencing the story from start to finish (birth to death).  Who is this presence viewing the story?  This is your Soul.  And your connection to the Great Spirit.  When the story of Nicki ends someday, this presence will continue on.

See how I am both the character in the story AND the presence looking at the big picture and the full book of my life?  I’m both. 

Continue reading “Feeling Uninspired Lately? Remember the Bigger Picture.”


Life Is But A Dream

We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion.
The great task in life is to find reality. 
-Author/philosopher, Iris Murdoch

How real is the world you’re looking at?  How solid is the chair you sit in?  Very solid, is likely the quick answer.  Yet as quantum physics has proven, this is not the case.  Science now proves that nothing is in fact solid.

As Albert Einstein said, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

Although we often don’t think about it consciously, it’s only through our physical eyes that your phone in your hand appears solid, and your foot in your shoe appears solid, etc.  Everything around us, including “us” ourselves, is moving energy.  Levels of vibration; waves of light.

I’m going to dig a little deeper, and look at the question: how real is our reality?

My son used to get terrible night terrors.  My husband and I would find him thrashing and crying in the middle of the night; reaching out at something that wasn’t there.  Yet his eyes were closed.  He was clearly asleep and didn’t realize he was dreaming.  He was experiencing something that terrified him enough that he cried.  My guess is either you or someone you know has experienced the same type of nightmare.

But soon enough morning comes, we open our eyes, and here we are in this reality.  Yet didn’t that dream you just had seem real?  That night terror was real enough to my son that his body was physically reacting.  Although he never left his bed, and he never opened his eyes.  It was all in his mind, in another part of his consciousness.

So we shake off the fog of sleep, get up, and go about our day.


However – what if this reality we look around at, the one science has proven is not in fact solid but constantly in motion, is just another form of dreaming?  Another layer of consciousness?  A type of illusion and an elaborate imagining of our powerful Mind?

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When Loving Is Tough…Shift To Neutral

While we are living our human life, we live in a world of duality. Light and Dark is an easy way to imagine it.  And we experience both sides.  Yet our core, never dying, expanded consciousness is pure Awareness.  Pure light.  

While on some level most know this to be true, what to do when you simply find it impossible to reach this level of light and love in certain situations?  Shift to Neutral.

Imagine a meter representing your state of mind.  To the left is your Ego self whose main emotion is: FEAR.  To the right is your higher self: unconditional LOVE.
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Stop it!

I listened to a podcast the other day where a teacher referred to a Bob Newhart sketch about addressing our fearful mind.  I love Bob Newhart and had never seen this video, but I thought it was worth sharing – for the laugh of course, and also for the bit of insight.

Those familiar with my writing know I focus on edging out our Ego or “small self” voice in favor of following our True Self or our “Expanded Mind” that never dies.  I just love the idea of saying “stop it!” to our repetitive, fearful, and useless thoughts.  What if today we just didn’t give those thoughts any space in our space?  Bob is on to something.  Just “stop it”!  Make it that easy.

Continue reading “Stop it!”


Let Go – You Are Right Where You Should Be

“We are only subject to a negative thought or belief if we consciously say that it applies to us. We are free to choose not to buy into a negative belief system.”
-David Hawkins, Letting Go

Try sitting a moment in silence and saying to yourself:  “Let Go.  Surrender to life’s natural, loving, flow.”

When sitting with that statement, notice (without judgement) what feelings arise in your body.  Relief?  Love?  Fear?  Guilt?

Letting go isn’t a passivity to life.  It’s not becoming a door mat.
Letting go is a shift in perception.  It’s living in state of giving and receiving what is yours – in the moment.  It’s living as the balanced observer of life rather than the victim.  It’s not about perfection either.  A part of us is still human, afterall!  Yes, I do get annoyed with my kids and my husband some days.  I’m just aware of when I’m doing it now.  It doesn’t overtake me.

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Freedom vs. Resolutions

I’ve never really been in to New Year’s Resolutions.  Despite the fact that media and marketing wants us to believe a new year is a time to punish our bodies, or make us feel guilty about what we have or haven’t done, it seems most people have wisened up to the idea that resolutions don’t seem to work.  And they usually don’t feel good.

What if as the new year unfolds we instead acknowledge all that we already are?  What if you gave yourself permission to forgive yourself for anything you’ve done (or not done) in the past and accepted that you are right where you’re supposed to be?

Relax and feel the freedom in that.  Letting go of expectations is liberating and allows true creativity to flow from Soul and Spirit.

What if instead of fighting the body, we realize we aren’t the body?

Continue reading “Freedom vs. Resolutions”


How Does A Healing Session Clear Emotional Thought Patterns?

Much of our day is spent on auto pilot mode – the state of being when we allow our minds to revert to the thought patterns that are most familiar to us.  If we aren’t aware of our thoughts, they just love to take over.  Our fearful thoughts are like my kids with their Halloween candy.  The more candy they eat, the more they want.  Yum!  The more fearful thoughts we think, the more the mind creates them.  

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Your Reality Is A Reflection Of You

I recently have been trying an experiment of sorts that I heard about from a great sound healer, Cyndi Krupp.  It’s called “The Mirror” and I find it to be an easy, fun, and informative exercise.

The experiment is:
Everything you see is a mirror of what you are holding inside.

Everything you feel, see, experience – and all the people you interacted with – are playing out in your life just for you to benefit and learn from. 

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